
Improvement in the quality of life of rural families living in poverty and high chronic malnutrition situations in the Cajamarca region.




Reduction of atmospheric and intra-domiciliary pollution through the installation and utilization of improve cookstoves, as well as, sensitization and training in good sanitary practices that contribute to minimize chronic malnutrition levels in children, mother-child mortality and the existent prevalent illnesses rates

Project Description

The specific objective was to provide 8,391 Andean rural poor families with certified improve cookstoves with a chimney, as well as, other components that contribute to the improvement their health and better nutrition and hygiene habits. Improve cookstoves must guaranty the calorific efficacy, a reduction of the greenhouse gases emissions and a minimal durability of 7 years. The strategy is the free delivery of the certified quality components and the auto-construction of the improve cookstoves with local materials (adobe and ash). The interventional strategy includes the following activities: - Result measuring methods: baseline, measuring Impact, supervision and monitoring. - Combination of certified quality materials and the use of local materials. - Participation of beneficiaries, local authorities and teachers. - Inclusion of trained promoters from the communities selected among the beneficiaries. - Recruitment of master builders. - Training about healthy and hygienic habits. - Training and handing over of educational contents for the teachers.


8,391 poor families dispersed in 173 populated centers of the Andean rural regions, over 2,500 meters of altitude, lacking basic services (clean water, drainage, electricity) and high levels of chronic infant malnutrition


Improve the health of 8,391 families, reducing ARIs and ADDs, as well as malnutrition, focusing on the multiple vectors in an integral manner (clean stoves, latrines, bio-orchards, deworming, nutritional complements, pregnant mother care, training). Reduce intra-domiciliary concentration of material particles MP2,5 to less than 25 µg/m3 (median of 24hours). Save 50% biomass of the average initial consumption. Reduce approximately 20,000 TM of GHG emissions annually.

Business Model

A key element is very low installation cost ($ 120). The beneficiaries contribute their work to build stoves and for its maintenance Clean cookstoves have a minimal lifespan of 7 years. To ensure this, we supervise their adequate construction and their later monitoring and annual efficiency verification. ITYF provides spare parts in case of breakage, trains beneficiaries for the adequate use of the stoves and good health and hygiene habits Carbon bonds generation finances the maintenance costs

Lessons Learnt

This model has proven that an improvement in the quality of life, a reduction of ARIs and ADDs as well as malnutrition, can be achieved with a very small investment per family. This model allows a massive application in the rural regions of intervention. If the clean stove is inserted as part of the objectives including other components (education, good health and hygiene practices, nutritional complements, bio-orchards), the adoption and sustainability of their utilization can be achieved The use of clean stoves contributes to the reduction of the family’s expenses for the purchase of wood or the time of its collection, the reduction of deforestation and of the greenhouse gasses emissions

Key Feature

We had a multidimensional focus; it includes different components: health, salubrity and education It is not isolated work as it promoted the interaction with local authorities, health providers, teachers and beneficiaries. The program is modular, applicable to a rural village but can be applied to regions (we have installed 21,800 in one year) The program is replicable by state organisms, NGOs or private enterprises, using our model To achieve the empowerment we explain the effects that the program will have to the beneficiaries and the community, they participate in the construction and evaluate the efficacy and sustainability of the program For this kind of projects we are supported by a number of international cooperation entities like PNUD, Gates Foundation, AECI, Mapfre Foundation, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints We had obtained the recognition of the beneficiaries, the local authorities, cooperating institutions and the GACC. Clean stoves are monitored for 7 years

Main Donor

MAPFRE foundation (Spain)
(International agencies)

Implementing Actor

Instituto Trabajo y Familia (ITYF) (NGOs)