AJSD Special Issue Journal Abstract Submission

The African Journal of Sustainable Development (AJSD) has partnered with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)’s SDG Academy to produce a special issue journal focused on the progress made on the SDGs in the science-policy interface. The special issue endeavors to explore an array of critiques, best practices, and evaluation topics related to the SDGs in the science-policy interface. Challenges and barriers to achieving the goals, as well as innovative ideas and solutions, will be emphasized in an effort to inform the upcoming UN SDG Summit (September 2023) and events in its aftermath. A special focus will be given to the African context and case studies from the region. 

The editorial board from AJSD and SDSN are calling for titles and abstracts to be submitted by scholars, experts, and researchers who are doing transformational work toward achieving the SDGs. The journal is also looking for case studies from the African continent that are related to the SDGs. The abstracts should fall into one or more of the following categories:

SDSN 6 transformations:

  1. Education, Gender, and Inequality;

  2. Health, Wellbeing, and Demography;

  3. Energy Decarbonisation and Sustainable Industry;

  4. Sustainable Food, Land, Water, and Oceans;

  5. Sustainable Cities and Communities; and

  6. Digital Revolution for Sustainable Development.

A new UN Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) that will be presented in September 2023 adapts the four levers introduced in the 2019 GSDR. Submissions should emphasize solutions and pathways that utilize the following enablers or levers:

  1. Governance–Related to SDG 16, building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions is an essential lever in the systemic changes and transformations that need to occur to achieve all 17 SDGs.

  2. Economy and finance–To create sustainable and just societies, it is vital to strengthen economic policy and financial flows and to rethink their effects beyond the purely monetary.

  3. Individual and collective action–Engaging citizens with the tools to effect change, such as enabling people to participate in setting development priorities, monitoring results, and holding decision makers accountable, is essential in sustainable development. 

  4. Science and technology–Science and technological innovation are key aspects of sustainable development and scaling-up current scientific and technological innovations while also pursuing further research can enable development.

Cross-cutting issues are welcome and joint authorship is encouraged. There will be a $120 USD fee if selected and published. SDSN affiliates can apply for a fee waiver here. Affiliates include any SDG Academy faculty or professors at SDSN network universities. Titles and abstracts should be submitted via this form or to Femi Oyeniyi at femigabriel382@gmail.com (copy Saka Jimoh at AJSD at jimohsaka@yahoo.com and Jessica Crist at SDSN at jessica.crist@unsdsn.org) by May 31, 2023. Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words. First draft manuscript submissions will be due July 15, 2023 and the final special journal issue will be published in late September 2023.

For abstract submission click HERE