Youth talk: The importance of international cooperation to address climate change: empowering the role of youth

The ENEL Foundation, in cooperation with IRENA and ALL4Climate will host the third event in the series “Energy Transition Heroes” on September 9th.

The aim of IRENA’s Youth Talk program is to offer to the younger generations the opportunity to be actively involved in the future of the power sector, enabling intergenerational discussions to foster positive change.

The webinar is part of the “All4Climate” official program, aimed at engaging young people in the lead-up to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) and the Pre-COP that will be held in Milan from 30 September to 1 October 2021.

International cooperation is at the very heart of COP26 as to ensure a global goal of zero net emissions by mid-century and to keep global temperatures below 1.5°C, it is vital to work together and recognize the inevitable role of youth in delivering these results. Young people are increasingly engaged in bringing the urgency of the climate change issue into the international public debate and should therefore be given the opportunity to be actively engaged and develop concrete actions and proposals. The event thus aims to explore with youth leaders from across the globe how international cooperation can achieve climate and sustainable development objectives.

The Youth Talk in September will start with a brief introduction by the Moderator, Anna Gumbau, young female journalist and event moderator, previously EU Climate and Energy correspondent at Carbon Pulse, who will hand to Enel’s CEO and Enel Foundation’s Chairman Francesco Starace, and IRENA’s Director General Francesco La Camera, for their opening remarks. The opening session will be followed by ice-breaking speeches from two senior experts, Robert Stavins, A.J. Meyer Professor of Energy & Economic Development, Harvard University and Laurence Tubiana, CEO, European Climate Foundation. The climate expert Federico Brocchieri will then introduce three young speakers – Vladislav Kaim, UN Secretary General's Youth Advisor on Climate Change and Abraham Bugre, Partnership and Engagement Officer at Green Africa Youth Organisation, Maria Constantinescu, Partnerships Officer, Young European Leadership - who will share their views on specific topics. The event will be closed by Vannia Gava, Undersecretary of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition of Italy, country in charge of the organization of pre-COP26


Save The Date

“The importance of international cooperation to address climate change: empowering the role of youth”

September 9, 2021

5pm-7pm CET

Register here.